20230911 CoMPAS Community Call
ben van 't ende
Participants: Sander, Ben, Jean-Etiene, Anica, Aliou
Ben want to look into a dedicated website for CoMPAS in order to be more visible. John Mertic want to contact GE. No update from now.
Jean-Etienne: Substation project. Turning point. Working on project. First substation configured by CoMPAS in 2025. Main issue is not functional. FME (RTE internal solution) is easier to debug from a functional point of view. Turning point mid next year.
Sander: OpenSCD development. Building test set up with virtual IED's and configuation with RTE. Learning setup
Anica: Nothing specific
Aliou: Submitted PR. — https://github.com/com-pas/compas-scl-xsd/pull/57/files. https://github.com/com-pas/compas-scl-xsd/pull/57
Discussed with John about OpenSSF. Plan to work on it next year to go to the next stage. Frederique? Owner?