20230906 CoMPAS Community Call organisation
20230906 CoMPAS Community Call organisation
ben van 't ende
Owned by ben van 't ende
Oct 05, 2023
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Participants: Aliou, Ben, Sander
For the next planned community call we would like to create some communication to attract people to the call. How do we approach potential people to join? Send out nicely formatted mail (Ben is good at making a nice design) to DSO's also referring to the article?
Keep monthly call for developers November
Topics (development focused):
- Status overview
- Article published: https://www.powerelectronicsnews.com/developments-in-power-grid-operations-with-linux-foundations-compas/
- How can you participate?
- Meet the team
- Public sprint review
- Demo session
Organising meetings:
We have 3 meetings we do on a regular basis:
- Weekly – Monday 10:00-10:30 - CoMPAS Community Refinement
- Attendants: ben van 't ende [community manager], Sander Jansen [Alliander], Juan Munoz [Alliander], Pascal Wilbrink [Alliander], Steffen Driessen [Alliander], Aliou Diaite [RTE], Jean-Etienne LeMaire [RTE], Anica Rahman [RTE]
- Monthly – First Monday of the Month – 15:00-16:00 - CoMPAS Community Call [demo's, community questions]
- Attendants: Same as above + anyone who wants to join. This is an open meeting for questions
- Monthly – Second Wednesday of the month – 17:00-18:00 - CoMPAS Technical Steering Committee
- Info on TSC: https://com-pas.github.io/contributing/GOVERNANCE.html#technical-steering-committee
- Attendants: ben van 't ende [community manager], Sander Jansen [Alliander], Juan Munoz [Alliander], Aliou Diaite [RTE], Jean-Etienne LeMaire [RTE] (GE members no longer active: Jean-François Legros and Patrick Montaner)