20230605 Community Refinement

20230605 Community Refinement

An overview of the issues can be found here: CoMPAS Issues Overview Board (github.com)<https://github.com/orgs/com-pas/projects/1>

Red Hat is working on Quarkus 3
RTE is working on library for SCD generation
Juan is looking into getting sonarcloud checking "external" (forked repositories) pull-requests
Pascal is looking into the AWS migration; from a personal account to a shared account

Jean-Etienne: Grouping ... integration, takes some time

Rebbeca: Just joined SprintEins. Mainly works on Front-end 

Pascal: AWS https://demo.compas.energy. LF energy new root account. Pascal will update the new AWS environment with the latest version.

The differences between OpenSCD/CoMPAS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmTJnF7C6tk&list=PLKyFf1J9XkptzXdmaAZeV1WX8ONML3XwC&index=1

Steffen: Update CoMPAS-OpenSCD

Anica: [I did not really get ....]

Aliou: Remarks on updating presentation: https://lfenergy.slack.com/archives/C01926K9D39/p1685095182869359?thread_ts=1685026884.279409&cid=C01926K9D39

Quarkus Migration? 
Depends on new Java