20230626 CoMPAS Community Refinement
ben van 't ende
Sander: OpenSCD next architecture - CoMPAS - LF Energy
Meeting with Fledge people
Dan https://www.canva.com/design/DAFmkuFHd0A/d4jDH7TNk8D-xvgX6MmKtw/edit?utm_content=DAFmkuFHd0A&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Aliou: Not much to contribute. RTE is working on management of SCL private for RTE.
Steffen: Chrome update. Regex escape dash symbol for patterns in the input element. We use the V8 flag for that (https://v8.dev/features/regexp-v-flag)
Anica: For the moment doing internal work.
Jean-Etienne: SCD proxy - gateway between substation - control room; Akli (from RTE) is looking into it as well.
Discussion on compare function and API - reusability!