CoMPAS Roadmap

The CoMPAS roadmap is based on the CoMPAS product vision and the CoMPAS mission and related objectives.

Objectives per theme view

ThemeNowNext Later


Build SCL based specifcations

  • generate DataTypeTemplates from NSDs by manual selection of possible DAs ( 9 | 2 sprints )

  • specify the Substation section by interactively drawing an SLD
  • finish the current Substation editor
  • allow communication mapping in SSD (substation section) ( 2 | ? )
  • allow instantiate configuration type data object in during specification( 2 | ? )
  • allow to specify basic application schemes (referenced function) (3 | ?)

Manual Engineering

Engineer a substation by hand

  • Siemens SITIPE integration MVP (Alliander)
  • OpenSCD-core (Alliander/Omicron)
  • publisher plugin ( 9 | 4 sprints) (Jakob Vogelsang)
  • finish substation editor ( 9 | 5 sprints) (Alliander)
  • finish services wizard ( 9 | 1 sprint) (Alliander)
  • improve IED editor ( 7 | 2 sprints )
  • general compare function ( 7 | ?)
  • general merge function ( 8 | ? )
  • general update function ( 8 | ? )
  • general control block manipulation (? | ?)
  • general log control block manipulation ( ? | ?)
  • support older schema versions ( ? | >6 sprints)
  • Allow userrights (Certain roles are allowed to edit specific parts)

Automatic SCD generation

  • Rename IEDnames
    Turn on/off LDevice reading the SSD Substation Bay Function and LNode
  • Generation DataSet and ControlBlock using ExtRef binding and update ExtRef.srcXXXX attributes including Communication adresses generation for GSE and SV CB
  • Update all LLN0.InRef related to the ExtRef
  • Create LGOS et LSVS instance and configure GoCBRef and SvCBRef
  • Generate RptControl CB and DS for the HMI
  • Settings and binding changes within the SCD depending on the Substation topology
  • Update DAI.Val according to SSD settings

  • Configure the disturbance recorder
  • Configure the physical binding LPDI/LPDO
  • Generate RptControl CB and DS for the Gateway
  • Generate the SCD PROXY for a given gateway
  • SSD conversion (input specific to RTE)

Automaticly generate SITIPE input (Alliander)

  • Update IP address from DNS
  • 104 address Generator (Alliander)
  • UI overview summarizing the automated workflow (4 | ?)

  • ICD automatic binding/instanciation within bay kind from functional specification defined through 9-30 norm files
  • SCL to 90-30 files conversion (internal to RTE)


Test SCL files on certain aspecs

Check relevant SCL parameters (Alliander)
  • configurable OCL validator
  • functional validation e.g. MAC / IP / APPID / ...

SCL insights (engineering)

Publish SCL files to get insights in to the  configurations

API to retrieve protection settings form static configuration

  • API to retrieve Data quality settings (Alliander)
  • generic publisher querying specific elements e.g. a table with all GOOSEs with alle setting related to the GOOSE (name, MAC, APPID, VLAN ...) 

SCL insights (scanned)

Publisch actual substation settings by scanning the substation (not with with CoMPAS) 

Publish (substation scanned) values (Alliander)

Who is working on it?





This roadmap is only for communication purpose. Their are no guarantees on what get delivered and when. If you like your feature to be included? Get involved in the development (directly or via a 3th party).

Visual Roadmap view

Jan2023FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan2024FebMarAprMayMarker 1

Siemens SITIPE integration MVP (Alliander)

Migration to OpenSCD Core

Publisher plugin

Finish Substation editor

Finish Services wizard

104 address Generator (Alliander)

(Testing) Check relevant SCL parameters

API to retrieve protection settings form static configuration

API to retrieve Data quality settings (Alliander)

104 address Generator

Rename IEDnames

Generation DataSet and ControlBlock

Update all LLN0.InRef related to the ExtRef

Create LGOS et LSVS instance

Generate RptControl CB and DS for the HMI

Settings and binding changes

Update DAI.Val according to SSD settings

Configure the disturbance recorder

Configure the physical binding LPDI/LPDO

Generate RptControl CB and DS for the Gateway

Generate the SCD PROXY for a given gateway

SSD conversion (input specific to RTE)

ICD automatic binding/instanciation within bay kind from functional specification defined through 9-

SCL to 90-30 files conversion (internal to RTE)

Generate DataTypeTemplates from NSDs

Migration to OpenSCD Core

Disclaimer: (estimated dates, again... no guarantees)

Please note that CoMPAS heavily relies on OpenSCD for the front-end and manual editing.

Idea's for the future:

Modbus support

61850 gateway support (61850-90-2 with proxy's)

More easy SCL checking

Workflow support

Single line editor

Substation logic

Integration SCD generation into front-end

(API) Service for protection settings and measurements

HMI generation (61850-6-2)

Substation logic (IEC 61850-90-11)

User rights

Code Development Processes

Initial Roadmap (history)

The initial roadmap of the project was drafted by a design team involving several grid operators and T&D automation vendors: