CoMPAS Meeting 26-8-2020
Second "kick-off" meeting with the CoMPAS project.
Sander Jansen (Alliander)
Rob Tjalma (Alliander)
Jorgen van der Velde (Alliander)
Lucian Balea (RTE)
Benoit Lepeuple
Francisco Gonzalez (AWS)
Christian Hildebrandt
Frederic Fousseret (RTE)
Marc Wierstra
Steven Vigouroux (GE)
Naveen Goswamy
Jakob Vogelsang (Omnicron)
Rabah Laoadi (GE)
Development environment
Github is the base for the the development, technical and architecture documentation. Github allows workflows with pull-requests that can help in defining the and structuring the architecture and feature decisions.
Github Actions will be used for continues integration. Rabah has experience with this.
Communication channels
The idea of the communication is to be as open as possible (open governance). This allows other to trace requirements and join relevant conversations.
The LF energy slack channel will be the chat communinication channel for the CoMPAS project; a new Slack channel will be made.
High level and generic requirements and feature will be described in the architecture documentation on Github.
Github issues will be used for technical issues and low level requirements/userstories.
The mallinglist can de be used of more formal communication.
The technical steering committee will arrange a meeting once a month (for now). Every one can join the meeting to listen.
The project will follow the technical charter. Sander will be invited to join the TSC.
Extra question for next TSC meeting: How do we discuss existing requirements? Some kind of refinement?
GE and RTE will try to get developers available by the end of september to contribute to the CoMPAS project.
Jakob's open source project
The related project of Jakob and Christian is build using a webstack and is fully based on javascriptÂ
Production deployment of the tool is outside the scope of the CoMPAS project. Every company can make their own decisions on how and where to deploy the software.
Frederic will change the CoMPAS slack channel to the LF energy slack channel
Frederic will update the with the new slack channel
Rob will investigate and setup a Githubs page for the architecture documentation
Rob will merge the existing architecture documentation to the github page/ architecture repository
Rob will work on the fist setup of the definition of done (to be part of the architecture documentation). This will include coding style guides.
Rob will add the definition of done to
Frederic will send the first services idea's to Rob to be incorporated into the architecture documentation.