2024-07-04 Community meeting




Discussion items

5 minIntroductionThijs
  • There was a double invite for Maxime (with Zoom), but not for other attendees
5 minCommunity announcementsThijs 
  •  Transitioning from Microsoft Teams to Slack
    • LFEnergy already has a slack channel
    • Open for everyone
    • No sub-channel, because openstef is already a sub channel
    • Suggestion from Daan → Have a nice overview of how to communicate certain things
      • e.g. bugs via Github
10 minProgress at AllianderDaan
  • Forecast availability
    • Dagster performance improved → PRs made to Dagster source code
    • Added/improved alerting on failing runs
  • Forecasting quality
    • Created a metrics dashboard, including peak detection metrics
      • Calculation part done in Dagster, very useful for these tasks
      • Data drift/alerting not connected yet to actions (e.g. retrain of model)
    • Investigating operational forecasts
  • Openstef PRs (no major updates)
    • Small improvement on typehints
    • Package updates
5 minWhat's nextThijs
  • No community meeting on Thu 1 August (discussed last time)
    • Next community meeting: Thu 29 August
  • LF Energy Summit on 5–6 September
    • OpenSTEF will be presenting! Thu 5 Sep, 15:30, studio 4
  • Co-coding session: date set on a different day.
    • Current suggestions (please indicate what suits you best!):
      • Friday September 13th 13:00 15:30 (Thijs cannot be there)
      • Monday September 9th 13:00 15:30 
    • What to work on?
      • Suggestions beforehand, or existing github issues.
      • Can be something small or start of something big
      • Can be on any related openstef package (dbc, reference impl, etc.)
      • Best to have a list beforehand!
10 minUpdate FiranElmar
  • Problems with the Alliander weather API
    • Bart: although there is an Alliander Weather API, we don't use it yet. Different file structures; weird things going on
    • Now it's fixed again
10 minUpdate RTEMaxime
  • RTE is working on a pull request to let users configure to use PostgreSQL instead of MySQL. Expected in August.
  • Train model using weather forecast with tAhead (not only the latest) :
    • There exists a method to store weather forecasts with t-aheads, but no method yet to retrieve them
      • No concrete plan yet on how to design this
  • Train a model using multiple weather forecast location :
    • PR made on retrieving multiple forecast locations at the same time222​
  • MySQL schema modifications
    • Suggestion to use source of weahter forecasts in prediciton job (or an ordered list)
    • Discussion in github issue in openstef-dbc
10 minUpdate RTE InternationalGuillaume
  • Implementation of Dagster in Kubernetes cluster 
    • Currently working on it
    • How to configure multiple locations?
      • Alliander does this by using partitions → openstef pipeline runs on each dagster partition
    • ​Appsettings:
      • Alliander uses appsettings for secrets, and dagster config objects for run configuration
5 minAny other business

Action items
