Everyone present in the meeting on slack - If you cannot install slack, then you can use the web version - The meetings will still be on teams
10 min
Progress at Alliander
Comparing weather sources - Alliander: Found that Meteomatics(paid source) provides better forecasts than KNMI. DWD ICON provides long term forecasts of very similar quality as KNMI short term - Jan Maarten: Uses Local KNMI equivalent (SMHI, 10 day ahead), netgroup (company that makes forecast) and NET - Maxime: Found ICMWF to be good, a global weather forecast model with lower resolution compared to the non-global ones. Harome did not provide good forecasts compared to other models. The global weather model works for every country, so can be used by everyone! It is a paid model. Will switch from meteo-france to ICMWF - RTE-Int -> uses openmeteo, no comparison done to other sources
Customer forecasts are bad because curtailment: - Idea JM: use pvlib/physical model with park specs. Already being explored by Alliander - Idea Maxime: restore based on customer provided missed generation. - Data comes in too late for production process, but could be used to evaluation of the past - other idea by maxime: combine multiple signals to... [this part was not included in the minutes]
Maxime: are we going to include Dagster in openstef? - Alliander currently has a recorded demo we did on dagster - Alliander probably could include dagster implementation in openstef - Larger question: do we want openstef to include infrastructure? - JM: could be definitely useful as a separated infrastructure example repo, good to check with Jonas
5 min
What's next
LFE Summit, who will attend: - JM + 2 will go to LFE summit - 2 of RTE International as well
10 min
Update RTE
- New PR, JM and BP will review - Unclear who merges PRs and closes comments - closing comments can be done by anyone - a maintainer should currently merge PRs because permissions, but we should reconsider if we really need this - alliander makes new release
10 min
Update RTE International
- Having issues with resources in dagster implementation. Will contact Egor for solution.