This page regroup main actions and bests practices we all defined together during retrospective activity. The actions will have linked issue on Github, and should be allocated to someone in order to follow the realization.
For the bests practices for improving our way of working, they will be in this wiki and everybody can add new elements.
Best practices
- Avoid lazy concensus decision makng
- Sends subjects to TSC days before for decisionÂ
- RTE PO should prioritize in their sprint Compas tickets
- Introduice code owner/responsible
- Explicity quality checks before featuring a pluging in OpenSCD
- Unclear quality definition in OpenSCD
- Help Sprinteins to get a contract
- Define clear roles
- For upcoming people changing in project, wait for clear visibility of R#Space project
- Write document next to code where it is missing
- Announce earlier refinement topics
Actions (issues not yet in Github)
- Write down in a clear maner where add which document
- Re-check current state of SSFBadge
                    Do we want to go throught Early adoption this year
                    OpenSSF badge (quality, security)
- Reorganize reviewer/maintainer
                    Maintenance costs a shaned limited, Availability from Tamas to review PRs
- Appoint new TSC chair
                   Check priority and alignement, TSC member and their roles