20230724 OpenSCD Standup/Refinement
ben van 't ende
Jakob: Helping Alliander team in the migration, proposes short debate about what an scl library should include (@openscd/oscd-scl). Requested time from Daniel to review open PR in that repo
Steffen: Busy with migration of components and VirtualTemplateIED plugin
Juan: Same as Steffen and also working on PR overview board for the @openscd org
Tamás: Migrating Data type Template Editor
Fred: Listening
Jakob B: Nothing on OpenSCD
Philip: Nothing on OpenSCD but checking written plugins and preparing roadmap
Daniel: Added tests for subscriber-supervision, tomorrow a colleague from Daniel is going to show the Sprinteins plugin to other engineers
- Delete Multiple IEDs (Daniel)
- Community: maybe add more mockups, there were questions about this being a good feature for the IED plugin
- Proposal to do refactor step-by-step instead of big bang (Tamás)
- Community: