OpenSCD Growth and needs

OpenSCD Growth and needs

Strategy to increase comunityRequirementTestable where or ACStatus [ e.g. open/done/partly available]
Low barrier for useageDemo Environment availableopenscd.github.io(tick)
Low barrier for useageDemo Environment available including a backenddemo.compas.energy(tick)
Low barrier for useageDemo Environment available based on open scd coreAC: Usable OpenScd available based on core(minus)
Low barrier for useageAccessible and quality softwaregithub.com/openscd/(tick)
Low barrier for useageshared environment for projects/companies in the energy spaceAC?(question) 
Low barrier for involvementMeeting organisationlists.lfenergy.org/g/CoMPAS/calendar (tick)
Low barrier for involvementMailing listCoMPAS+subscribe@lists.lfenergy.org(tick)
Low barrier for involvementCommunity managementAC? (question)
infrastructure strategy?DNS and hosting

AC: Domain pointing to a stub page which can be filled

Open offer (Omicron)
infrastructure strategy?Logo designInital logo replaced by a nice new one (tick)
infrastructure strategy?content?AC?(minus)
infrastructure strategy?wikiwiki.lfenergy.org/display/SHP/OpenSCD(tick)
infrastructure strategy?password managerAC?(minus)
infrastructure strategy?online meeting platformmeet.jit.si/OpenSCD lfenergy.slack.com/archives/C03LH7EUP34(tick)
communcation [todo: add goal]Press releases / use cases / white papers / articlesAC?(minus)
communcation [todo: add goal]Social MediaAC?(minus)
communcation [todo: add goal]Attendance at conferences for energy sectorAC?(minus)