20230703 OpenSCD StandUp Refinement
- ben van 't ende
Taking about https://lf-energy.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SHP/OpenSCD. Asking about clearance for starting with maintainership responsibilities.
Repository maintainer (as currently defined):
Ultimate authority on a specific OpenSCD plugin/core. The maintainer is trusted to make decisions for a specific set of functionality bundled within a plugin/functionality.
The maintainer's responsibilities include:
- Coordinates development/review work in the repository
- Controls access to the repository
- Prioritizes work in the repository (where possible)
- Is responsible for the quality of the code / quality level / architecture
- Prepares and authorizes releases of the repository
- Enforce a proper code/solution architecture to keep the maintainability and flexibility in the future
- Make any decisions on the direction of the repository
Daniel mentions ownership of plugins. Number of public repositories: https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/26054
GitHub Actions: https://docs.github.com/en/billing/managing-billing-for-github-actions/about-billing-for-github-actions
Would be good to define the home of the plugin, so we do not get abandonware.
Tamas: PACworld; OpenSCD is used a lot more than expected; We can consider a more easy way for end-users to let us known how they use it.
Fred: Oepn source was discussed more in PACworld; Questions where asked
Daniel: Finish the later binding plug-in. Christian will be asked to do a review. Daniel is planning some vendor specific extensions
Daniel needs a API
Christian: looking into the wizarding API
Working on the template editor
Looked in the OpenSCD architecture
No a of Open
Not a lot a thinks to do.
Nothing to say OpenSCD
Product vision:
The current description is lacking a marketing pitch. It should get a high level vision where people can relate to.
Fred mention that the product vision needs to more end-user focused;
Tamas suggests: Open substation communication designer
Other suggestion: add digital substation;
The OpenSCD is not checked against trademak issues
Fred does not want to invest time in the product vision /
Christian: place reminder in the calender to discuss the