2023-01-23 TSC 13

Chaired by Frank


Maxime, Jan Maarten, Martijn, Frank

Discussion items





0minLook back on actions previous TSCFrank

10 minRoadmap AllianderFrank

AINED project with TenneT

Forecasts per transformer

  • RTE does this currently by downscaling higher-level forecast. Downside is that quantiles do not downscale

Congestion management on MV routes

Forecasts ~2 weeks ahead; what weather data?

  • RTE already does this using several weather forecasts. Question is how to deal with periods of overlapping weather-forecast-products
10 minRoadmap RTEMaxime

Desire to run OpenStef realtime (every 10 minutes) at end of 2024; 

Understand data models of openstef and rte. For example; rte stores all weather forecasts, openstef assumes only most recent forecast.

Get it running for solar and wind forecasts using historic data.

Combining multiple weather forecasts in single load-forecasting model.

5 min

Status onboarding RTE


Brainstorm during onboarding session what would need to happen in OpenSTEF to match rte preferred it stack

1 minOpenSTEF running at FiranFrank


[  ] Jonas: check 'Present OpenSTEF to TSOs' from Collaboration Leads with Benoit

[  ] Jan Maarten; check if we can add datamodel examples of the databases (I think we have it on our own wiki already)