ExtRef (-6)
An external reference as an element that allows to specify inputs to an IED. This inputs can be specified to be receive data served by a GOOSE, a sampled values stream SMV
, a Report or through Polling Poll
. To be able to do that this element has a set of attributes of four groups:
Data source attributes
attribute name | description |
iedName | The name attribute of the IED element the data is hosted in |
ldInst | The inst attribute of the LDevice element the data is hosted in |
prefix | The prefix attribute of the LN or LN0 element the data is stored in |
lnClass | The lnClass attribute of the LN or LN0 element the data is stored in |
lnInst | The inst attribute of the LN or LN0 element the data is stored in |
doName | A concatenation of data object pointing to the data. E.g. |
daName | A concatenation of the data object pointing to the data. E.g. |
Control block attributes
attribute name | description |
srcLDInst | The inst attribute of the LDevice element the source control block is allocated |
srcPrefix | The prefix attribute of the LN or LN0 element, the source control block is allocated |
srcLNClass | The lnClass attribute of the LN or LN0 element, the source control block is allocated |
srcLNInst | The inst attribute of the LN or LN0 element, the source control block is allocated |
srcCBName | The name of the source control block |
serviceType | Report, GOOSE, SMV, Poll (polling does not have srcxxx attributes) |
Internal reference attribute
Allows to link the input to an internal functionality intAddr
. When this element is set before system configuration we are talking about the later binding concept.
Input restriction (only with later binding)
attribute name | description |
pLN | The logical node class the data can be from |
pDO | The data object the data is from (must be translated to a CDC) |
pDA | The bType the data can be from |
pServT | The service type the data can be send with |
As a typical example for the current input of a sampled value stream, this would look like this:
<ExtRef iedName="AA1E1Q02MU" ldInst="MU01" prefix="I01A" lnClass="TCTR" lnInst="1" doName="Amp" daName="instMag.i" intAddr="01-0C-CD-04-00-20,4002,1,LD0.SMVLSVS1.Beh.ch4,1,0,LD0.SMVLSVS1,uniqueID" serviceType="SMV" srcLDInst="MU01" srcCBName="MSVCB01" pLN="TCTR" pDO="AmpSv" pDA="instMag.i"/>