Logical Device (LD)

Logical Device (LD)


A Logical Device (LD) is an element that allows to group Logical Nodes (LN) with a Server. It does a similar job as a folder does in Windows explorer. Just imagine an IED with 1000 LNs without any way to group them in a meaningful way. The LD does not come with a lot of restriction to give users a much freedom as possible:

  • Name/instance definition is restricted to an alphanumeric pattern to max 64 characters

  • Each logical node must have at least on logical nodeLLN0and one other logical node.


Typical examples for logical devices grouping:

  • A protection scheme grouping all logical nodes that are needed. E.g. overcurrent protection with 4 stages each modeled with a PTOC

  • A circuit breaker modeled at simplest by CSWI, XCBR and CILO


SCL implementation

In the SCL file the element LDevice is representing a LD. It comes with two attributes: inst or name.

<IED name="..." > <AccessPoint name="..."> ... <Server> <LDevice inst="P50" name="OCP51"> <LLN0 lnClass="LLN0" ...> <LN ... lnClass="PTOC" inst="1" ...> <LN ... lnClass="PTOC" inst="2" ...> <LN ... lnClass="PTOC" inst="3" ...> <LN ... lnClass="PTOC" inst="4" ...> </LDevice> <LDevice inst="CBR" name="Circuitbreaker"> <LLN0 lnClass="LLN0" ...> <LN ... lnClass="CSWI" inst="1" ...> <LN ... lnClass="XCBR" inst="1" ...> <LN ... lnClass="CILO" inst="1" ...> </LDevice> ... </Server> </AccessPoint> </IED>