2024-10-02 - SIG Grid Modelling and Simulation #1

2024-10-02 - SIG Grid Modelling and Simulation #1


Oct 2, 2024


  • @John Mertic (LFenergy)

  • @David P. Chassin (Eudoxys Sciences LLC)

  • @Jonas van den Bogaard (alliander)

  • @Yarille Ortiz (LFenergy)

  • @Art Pope  (Google LLC)

  • @Joshua Main

  • Lampros Papangelis

  • @Sophie Frasnedo (rte)

  • @Tony Xiang(alliander)


Meeting started 6:00 AM PDT

John Mertic chair pro-tem. 

Meeting slides at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OMQ3la7tc5zDpSr-RBfb9dJicXbg8WLJzwLYneczKq8

Minutes recorded by David Chassin at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AIPVOT9ut2rQuOLRYq1pwQkb0YR81X7__dN3NODbbMM  


  1. SIG Leadership

  2. Transition of annual reviews

  3. Review of scope and plan for meeting topics

  4. Closing and next meeting

Sebastien Lepy asked to add a new topic for discussion. John suggested raising new topics during agenda item 3. Agenda approved as presented without objection.

1. SIG Leadership

Thomas van-Dijk, Joshua Main, and David Chassin volunteered to serve as Chair, Vice-chair, and Secretary, respectively, and elected by acclamation.

2. Annual Review Transition Plan

Annual review schedule as revised by TAC presented by Yarille. 

Schedule is tentatively adopted with the same schedule without objectives. 

Josh asked to confirm the scope of the review is the same as TAC. John confirmed but recommended that SIG may want to add review topics related to SIG goals. See Project Lifecycle for information on review process and rubric. 

Yarille and John will send Chair, Vice-chair and Secretary the work list for setting agenda, topics, focus areas, and administrative activities around reviews.

3. Scope and Plan for Meeting Topics/Goals

Sebastian Lepy (CRESYM) proposed a new topic to bring in a few new projects to LF Energy to bring new system component models: (1) asset models, (2) proprietary functional models of devices, and (3) framework to find OSS equivalent of proprietary models. Question is whether this is a good fit for this SIG. NREL proposed energy system and modeling tools interoperability group. Discussion of ontologies and gaining alignment.

Josh asked about challenges that need to be addressed which this SIG can facilitate, e.g.,

  • Need to map different kinds of models of various machines (wind, EV battery, etc).

    • Model types needed

    • Data model needed

    • Define level of transparency may also be needed.

  • Identify generic equivalent models of various machines

Josh requested that Sebastien write a brief with goals, approaches, and recommendations.

Jonas wants to discuss which of the 12 months goals are the top priorities. Josh suggested stack rank-choice voting or discuss ranks. This will be kept on agenda for next meeting.

 Action items

Yarille send project annual review process and rubric to SIG members
Yarille send an index of materials related to SIG activities to SIG members
Sébastien send a one-pager about proposed new topic
@Joshua Main rank-choice voting for 12 month goals topics
Yarille book an onboarding call for new SIG leadership


  1. Thomas van-Dijk, Joshua Main, and David Chassin volunteered to serve as Chair, Vice-chair, and Secretary, respectively, and elected by acclamation.
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