37th meeting (May 15)

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1 - Review of actions

            82 - New TSC chair choice (IMPORTANT | URGENT)

            => U  Pascal will discuss possibility to have same TSC for Open-SCD and CoMPAS (on next OpenSCD TSC meeting) ==> No agreement
           => U : Pascal W is volunteer to take the chair of TSC, he will discuss with Sander before vote.

2 - Review of Growth plan actions​

            67 - Action RTE from previous TSC : Study to make a presentation during an identified event​ as for exemple IEC 61850 week in october

          => Not enough resources for right now

            72 - Community call organization
            => U : not a big success, try to have more people involved by promoting (LinkedIn, mailing list, slack) 
            => U: discussion on organization is held. Ben & Sander & Aliou will discuss about it.
            => U : It seems to be difficult to involve more people, Ben ask Dan Brown for proposition. We will keep communication by different way for promotion (webinar for exemple)

            => discusssions are going on

           => U : Webinar could be nice ( find resources)

3 - Roadmap program review

            74 - Get feedbacks from Juan and Ben, throught their last actions about roadmap.
            => U : Juan pushed new macro (format) of the roadmap (more visual friendly) in Confluence.

            => U : Sander will make some updates

           => Alliander plans for Q1

    • Ability to build a full modulair OpenSCD distribution (load 3third party openSCD-plugins: sprinteins, substation editor, template selector, locamation plug-in)
    • Documentation OpenSCD up-to-date including: User manual; API descriptions; Website live (including this documentation)
    • Plug-in template (OpenSCD)
    • App store experiments (distribution generator / app store)

            75 - Should we planified a meeting in order to evaluate roadmap identified actions ?

            => U :  Last week of each month (create board on github)

           => U : will  be evaluated on next refinement session

            76 - Try to get a plan for relaeses and  SSF Badges

            => U: On going

            77 - Documentation, get feedbacks ?
            => U : Architecture repository should be updated (SITIPE added)
            => U : SCT quick start program should be updated also

            => U : refere to openscd one
            79 - Jean-Etienne should update roadmap (SCT)
            => U: On going

           => U : Minor changes to enhance scd generation process

            81 - Reorganization of documents should be done because too much repo

            => U :  On going

4 - Open discussion

Meeting with Alex Thorton, Nico Rikken, Aurelien Wattare about LFEnergy strategy for digital Substation ( interest of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories and Southern California Edison )