16 january 2024


Tamas Russ / Catalina Dumbraveanu / Daniel Mulholland / Jakob Birnbaumer / Ben van 't Ende 


Joining LF energy

The vote is ongoing to let OpenSCD into LF energy. All signs to be accepted are looking good.

OpenSCD/CoMPAS meetup

All participants will give a presentation about their plans for the comming year.

Digital Substation Automation Systems (CoMPAS / OpenSCD) Meetup 2024 - CoMPAS - LF Energy

Project promotion

Tamas will give a presentaion at FOSDEM this year

Stefan en Omicron will attend the germen FNN IEC meeting about protection and control

Daniel is look to attend an austratian confernce about protection and control

Sanders collegue will give a presentation on DER scheduling, it might be possible to say something about OpenSCD

Alliander and Tamas are concidering to attend PACworld


Stefan came up with the idea to do a survey under (potential) OpenSCD users to indentify barriers for entry / features and other needs.

Stefan and Tamas will look into this. Names of potential survey candidates can e.g. be found in our known industry contacts and papers.