Improve openSTEF documentation

Currently available documentation for openSTEF:

Other projects for inspiration:

Common content found in above projects

  • Quick start on front page (numpy, skforecast, operatorfabric)
  • Link to API reference (autogenerated docstrings) (numpy, skforecast, operatorfabric)
  • Documentation pages for architecture/ high level concepts (all)
  • Examples/tutorials (numpy, skforecast)
  • Information about community (numpy, operatorfabric, compas )
  • Information about latest releases including release notes (skforecast, operatorfabric, numpy(not on main page))

Desired documentation for openSTEF:

  • Single website with:
    • Home page
      • How to obtain/install
      • Use cases
    • Quick start/getting started
    • User guide/documentation
      • Use cases
      • Concepts/Architecture
      • Description/manual how to run tasks
      • More complex manuals than quick start
      • Guide to develop/run locally
        • Document datamodel
        • Add definition of modelspec
      • Examples/Tutorials
        • Jupyter notebooks with examples and tutorials
      • API/reference
        • Auto generated API reference from docstrings
      • Community:
        • TSC
        • Roadmap
          • What are we going to do and when?
        • Sponsors
        • How to contribute/Contributors guide
        • Style guides
        • Project governance
        • Special part for companies
      • Releases
        • Automatically generated from GitHub release notes

Suggestion to use this instead of sphynx:

Overall conclusion

It seems many projects have many different ways of documenting. Most projects have a single webpage for all project information. Investigated LFE projects have the LFE wiki and a separate code documentation via Operatorfabric has done this nicely, they keep the content of the LFE wiki at a minimum and link to their docs page. This is a nice way of organizing documentation as it minimizes maintenance to a single place which could be largely auto generated.


  • Expand tutorial section with description and links to notebooks in openSTEF/offline-examples
  • Rename Code modules to API reference
  • Add releases page, preferably auto generated
  • Rename concepts section to User guide
  • Add Community page
    • Link to TSC minutes on LFE page
  • Minimize LFE wiki info and link where possible to page
  • Link to documentation from readmes