OpenEEmeter Roadmap

The OpenEEmeter project growth goals for 2022 fall into two categories:

  • Community goals - we want help our community thrive and continue to grow.
  • Technical goals - we want to keep building the library in new ways that make it as easy as possible to use.

Community goals

  • Develop project documentation and tutorials

A number of users have expressed how hard it is to get started when tutorials are out of date. We will dedicate time and energy this year to help create high quality tutorials that build upon the API documentation and existing tutorials.

  • Make it easier to contribute

As our user base grows, the need and desire for users to contribute back to the library also grows, and we want to make this as seamless as possible. This means writing and maintaining contribution guides, and creating checklists to guide users through the process.

  • Expand the awareness of the project and create clear linkages and relationships with other projects (methods and code) that together are used for demand flexibility settlement

Technical goals

  • Implement new CalTRACK recommendations

The CalTRACK process continues to improve the underlying methods used in the OpenEEmeter. Our primary technical goal is to keep up with these changes and continue to be a resource for testing and experimentation during the CalTRACK methods setting process.

  • Hourly model visualizations

The hourly methods implemented in the OpenEEMeter library are not yet packaged with high quality visualizations like the daily and billing methods are. As we build and package new visualizations with the library, more users will be able to understand, deploy, and contribute to the hourly methods.

  • Weather normal and unusual scenarios

The EEweather package, which supports the OpenEEmeter, comes packaged with publicly available weather normal scenarios, but one feature that could help make that easier would be to package methods for creating custom weather year scenarios.

  • Greater weather coverage

The weather station coverage in the EEweather package includes full coverage of US and Australia, but with some technical work, it could be expanded to include greater, or even worldwide coverage.