Action Tracker - Technical
Description and Owner | Due Date | Status | |
1 | @michael.stuber Create an action tracker | 2025/2/3 | Complete |
2 | @eloi.bail @Rick Steurer Examine options for light-weight containerization (e.g. microcontainers, rootless containers, etc.) and present them to the technical team, being sure to address concerns regarding size and overhead. | 2025/3/4 | Eloi and Rick had an initial technical session. Expect to present at the next technical session on March 4. |
3 | @eloi.bail Examine container engine options (e.g. LXC, LXD, Moby, Balena, etc.) | 2025/3/4 | Being worked with item #2 |
4 | @michael.stuber Explore options for application management | 2025/2/18 | In process. Updates are posted on Confluence. Brandon Thayer to join effort. |
5 | @Jeorge Olague Present on application management solution Welotec anticipates open-sourcing | 2025/3/18 | Technical presentation on March 18. |
6 | Create a proposal for device classifications for discussion. @richard.lam @Rick Steurer | Progress update 2025/2/18 | Started. Rick, Michael, Brandon, and Richard met to discuss how devices should be characterized. The sub-team recommends individual attributes, rather than classifications. Decision made to use attributes. Richard to schedule sub-team meeting. |
7 | Work on a minimum viable product @richard.lam |
Backlog Table
# | Description | Priority | Status |
| Envisioned System Architecture diagram needed. System Design Drawing similar to Margo needed: | GEISA 1.0 |
| Security - Need to incorporate aspects from 10-15-2024 Technical Call regarding additional research. | GEISA 1.0 |
| GEISA 1.x or 2.0 |