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List of attendees

  • Pascal Willbrink
  • Sander Jansen
  • Aliou Diaite
  • Jean-Etienne Lemaire


            73 - Juan lefts TSC (votes 4 in Favour), new member should be elected in October TSC meeting.
            => U: not yet

                       => Pascal is voted in as new CoMPAS TSC member (3/3 of the voting member said yes)


            => U : Sander will make some updates

           => Alliander plans for Q1

  • Ability to build a full modulair OpenSCD distribution (load 3th party openSCD-plugins: sprinteins, substation editor, template selector, locamation plug-in)
  • Documentation OpenSCD up-to-date including: User manual; API descriptions; Website live (including this documentation)
  • Plug-in template (OpenSCD)
  • App store experiments (distribution generator / app store)

            75 - Should we planified a meeting in order to evaluate roadmap identified actions ?
            => U : half year roadmap review will be scheduled.
            => U : Yearly Meetup also will be scheduled (roadmap could be reviewed on that occasion). Dates should be choosen.
            76 - Try to get a plan for relaeses and  SSF Badges
            => U : Not a priority, should be checked again next year in order to meet all Early Adoption Stage requirements.

=            => Put on the meetup agenda

            77 - Documentation, get feedbacks ?
            => U : Architecture repository should be updated (SITIPE added)
            => U : SCT quick start program should be updated also
            79 - Jean-Etienne should update roadmap (SCT)
            => U: on going

            80 - Meet-Up to be organized by RTE (for all with OpenSCD, November could be good)
            => U : schedule by doodle discuss on program : 
            => U : Spend time in order to have an agenda 

           => done => ( See Digital Substation Automation Systems (CoMPAS / OpenSCD) Meetup 2024 at LF Online Community LF Energy ( )

            81 - Reorganization of documents should be done because too much repo
            => U : technical central place is studied by openscd
                  questions are : What to document? where to document? What tool do it well? What are common practices to have?
            => U : Pascal prepare a small overview
            => U : Swap send video to Jean-Etienne for review

diagramNameDocumentation Resources

diagramNameCompas Documentation Sources

              Sources for documentation:

              Developer docs (close to the code)

             End-user documentation

             Idea: using the pipelines above: generate the website and documentation

5 - Open discussion

           - Tool for TSC meeting presentation and reports (Confluence ?) 
             => U : will be tested on December TSC
           - Is our organization for issue tracking and realization good ? Should/Could we think about common sprint from common issues ?
             => Actions defined during meetup could help
