Energy Management WG
Here all meeting notes and infos from the EVerest working group Energy Management can be stored and accessed.
Chair: Tim Valbert
2025-02-10 Meeting
No new members
Dev Update
Sebastian preparing PR for ISO extension - bringing types from libocpp into iso - tbd with piet
Fabian opened PR #1016 to be reviewed by CC & PG
Chargebyte presented a proposal to introduce synchronous request/response interface see zulip - - To be reviewed by pionix
Cc opened PR #1033 - tbd with Sebastian
2025-02-03 Meeting
No new members
Dev Update
No updates, some PRs still being reviewed
Chargebyte presented their proposal for a new external API based on websocket:
Andreas may present his EEBus work in one of the next meetings
2025-02-03 Meeting
No new members
Dev updates
No updates due to testival, vacations etc.
Same opens to be discussed in the next call
2025-01-27 Meeting
Dev Updates:
Sebastian prepares a PR for ISO extension to bring in types from libocpp
Fabian opened PR #1016 - to be reviewed by piet and cc
Chargebyte preparing a proposal to introduce synchronous request/response interface - Simon or Fabian to present (if ready)
Abby question on how power is calculated on 3-phases (x3 or x√3 ? - unanswered)
2025-01-20 Meeting
Abyy presented the changes from NREL to include schedules in charging - up to review, PR not done yet
Tweedegolf reached out to Elaad, we can use the OpenADRe platform they are providing for testing.
Dev Update:
cc presented the new test - based on json, PR not open yet
will have good coverage
Fabian prepares a new PR to change phase limits while charging
2024-12-11 Energymanagement Workshop
Pionix organized a face to face Energymanagement workshop to discuss cross-domain requirements of ISO15118-20 and OCPP2.1 and how to approach it. This is a short workshop summary.
We identified these first steps to approach the implementation of ISO15118-20 and OCPP2.1 in EVerest:
Extension of the EVerest type definitions, especially in to meet the requirements added properties / data in OCPP2.1 types
We plan to create a new
EVerest interface that can be required by OCPP and implemented by the ISO15118 modules to share data between ISO15118 and OCPP and keep the scope of that interface close to the requirements of OCPP without leaking ISO15118 functionality to OCPP. This includes moving the contract CertificateInstall and CertificateUpdate functionality from theevse_manager
interface to the new interface.We require clarifications for setpoints and limits from multiple sources. OCPP2.1 does not seem to be very clear and precise about this
We decided to restructure the existing Energymanagement module in order to allow easier unit testing (draft branch)
We moved the Energymanagement WG meeting to a weekly cadence in will sync on the progess across ISO15118-20, OCPP2.1 and core
Development update:
Plan is to use the GoLang open source implementation of EEBUS.
To get the Golang library integrated into EVerest, the plan is to make the EEBus library into a more generic EEBus application, all in GoLang.
The EEBus application will provide a gRPC interface for integration into EVerest.
A new EVerest module will implement this GRPC interface.
Discussed testing:
We might need to get some hardware that has implemented EEBus EV Charging Use Cases, something like an energy mangement system or a Solar inverter.
Simon has had a chat with somebody from Matter. He has also looked into the open source Matter Stack. It is a complex stack, not so easy to integrate. There are some implementation already, like Home Assist, we could use that for testing.
Restructured energy mangement functionality is now merged into master and in the October release of EVerest.
Simon is working on a requirement list to extend the current API. Based on their experience some features missing in order to have a smooth integration with the nymea integration plugin.
There seems to be no way using the API module to get Manufacturer, Model, Serial number, Everest Version
Phase switching command
Proper async method for executing commands (with response)
Property indicating if EVSE charging enabled or disabled
Only the hardware limit gets communicated, not the overall limit of allowed max charging current
EEBus implementation is underway. There should be a meeting this week between the developer(s) of the open source EEBus library and Andreas
Tim (Host)
DEV Update:
Piet presented 2 PRs:
OCPP and API modules need to use external_energy_limits, phase_counts and mapping on evse is needed for that - CURRENT IMPLEMENTATIONS NEED TO BE UPDATED!
Need units for schedules, typically A(mps) for AC and W for DC, for phase switching also in W(att),
PR already merged
Open Mic:
Piet discussed phase switching and reuirements in OCPP 2.0.1 for that (not an issue in 1.6)
AC:max_phase_count would be needed in W limits
→ not present in current energy manager
As Cornelius explained, the curretn energy manager does not track which phase is used, not implemented
also min_Charging_Rate is currentlyx not supported
Recommendation is therefore to not define which phase is used
Piet will continue testing and working on it
Simon: SOme cars have OBCsthat only utilize 2 phases (very rare), would be nice if energy manager knows this
Probably not used in many cars and chargers
Piet: Since nymea is interfacing with EVerest, implementation should be updated accordgin to PR #872
Question from Wei:
How does energy manager and smart charging correlate?
Cornelius: External energy manager always just adds additional limits, so every energy manager can only redistribute and lower the limits - that way internal and external systems can be combined.
Cornelius having shown the details of Energy Management in EVerest.
This was the follow-up presentation of last time’s general introduction.Recording:
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing
First Meeting
Cornelius C.
Robert de L.
Andreas H.
James C.
Simon S.
Sandro S.
William T.
Wei F.
Olger W.
Alex B.
Craig R.
Tim V. (Host)
General welcome and introduction to the working group format
Start with Bi-Weekly meetings (alternating with the General WG)
Tuesdays 5pm - 6pm CEST
Duration: 1h
Host: Tim / Robert
Zulip channel: established
Meeting notes: EVerest Wiki
Depending on attendance, community wishes and need, we might shorten the meeting for future instances to 30min
Short introduction from all participants
Presentation from Cornelius about the general layout and status quo of the Energy Manager implementation in EVerest
Short presentation from Simon S. about nymea, an open source energy manager - Should evaluate if nymea can bring benefits to the EVerest project in one of the next sessions.
Here is the link to the recording:
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing