
Emoji :bulb: Possible titles


Emoji :rocket: Select the stage(s) up to the stage where the idea is now

💭 Problem and solution exploration – Define key challenges and solutions
🧠 Collaborative Brainstorming – Co-create ideas
✍️ Concept Mapping – Visualize and connect potential solutions.
🔍 Feasibility Analysis – Assess practicality, resources, and impact.
🚀 Idea Prototyping – Build quick prototypes to test concepts.
🔄 Iterative Refinement – Gather feedback, refine, and optimize ideas.

Emoji :mountain: Project background and context

Emoji :flag_on: Problem to solve

Emoji :seedling: Project solution

Emoji :dart: Target Market

Emoji :star2: Value proposition

Emoji :busts_in_silhouette: Collaborating projects

Company name

Project name

Pros and cons

Emoji :plus:

Emoji :minus:

Emoji :track_next: Action points for next months

Emoji :calendar_spiral: Propose Project Timeline

Roadmap Planner