
Project Overview 

Developing energy flexibility apps & services (e.g. to enable demand response) is crucial, but expensive. The FlexMeasures Platform is the intelligent EMS to support real-time energy flexibility apps, rapidly and scalable.

FlexMeasures reduces development costs with real-time data intelligence & integrations, uncertainty models and API/UI support. It is created with ESCos and larger industrials as users in mind.

Project Details

The role of FlexMeasures is to support ESCos and industrial to offer real-time services around energy flexibility. There are three core values:

  1. Real-time data intelligence & integration, with advice for the rest of the day. For example, forecasts and schedules are made available via API (designed with the USEF framework in mind).
  2. Energy sensor and environment data have multiple sources and their forecasts are uncertain. FlexMeasures uses the timely-beliefs library to model this well.
  3. Developer support ― building customer-facing apps & services is where energy flexibility hits the road. FlexMeasures reduces developer workload with a well-documented API, data visualisation and multi-tenancy, and it supports plugins to customise and extend the platform to your needs.