FledgePower Use Cases

Fledge could be used for many use-cases.

Other use-case idea's include:

  • 61850 gateway between the substation and the central systems

Use FeldgePower as a gateway/proxy to send substation data to central systems in IEC61850 format.

South/North plugin: 61850

Concept: IEC61850-90-2

  • 61850 to 104 gateway between the substation and the central systems

Use FeldgePower as a gateway/proxy to send substation data to central systems in 104 protocol format.

North: 104

South: 61850

Concept: IEC61850-90-2 / IEC61850-80-1

  • Local validation of 61850 measurements (e.g. kirchhoff law)

Use FeldgePower to validate local/substation measurement data (do the measurements makes sense?). E.g. flatline checks and kirchhoff laws based on the current state of the substation (what is the switching position).

South: IEC61850

  • DER agent

FledgePower can be an agent to act as a gateway between central controllers and local devices. Example specification: Netbeheer Nederland

North: 61850

South: depends on the connect hardware

Concept of scheduling LN: IEC61850-90-7 (figure 13)

  • DER agent controller

FledgePower can (part of) a central DER controller to control DER agents.

North: unkown

South: 61850

Controller to control a DER agent

  • Part of software defined substation / centralized control and protection (CPC)

FlegePower could be part of  CPC system for a non-realtime use-cases (see other topics on this page)

North: 104/61850

South: not known yet

  • Local configuration collection and storage (what configs are running in the substation)

North/south: yet unknown, depends on the vendor

  • Test local configurations

Compare the SCD files with the actual implementation; Periodic checks can also be added for specific parameters.

South: 61850

  • Collect and redispatch fault recordings

Use FlegePower to collect COMTRADE/PQDIFF from IED's.

Collect COMTRADE files from IED's

North: unkown

  • Ad-hoc fault recording control

Use FledgePower to start ad-hoc high resolutions measurements (COMTRADE/PQDIFF)

South: probably IEC61850

  • Local grid safety analyzer

Determine locally if the grid is running in a safe condition.

South: 61850

  • Change (protection) settingsgroups

Change settingsgroups based on the current state of the substation/central input.

South:  IEC61850