This working groups focusses on MCS (Megawatt Charging System) implementation in EVerest
Meetings for this WG are currently on a bi-weekly basis, Thursday, 4:30pm - 5:30pm CET. Please check the EVerest calendar for the meeting entry.
2025-01-16 Meeting Notes
Introduction round of people/companies and plans for MCS of each
Non of companies in the call have the development of MCS as top prio.
It is seen as something they need this year, but not in Q1/Q2.
MCS impact on EVerest:
Discussed what would need to be developed to get MCS Support in EVerest
The IEC 61851 PWM CP/PP implementation is not part of EVerest.
PIONIX has an open source example implementation for the BelayBox.
For MSC this would need a new/updated implementation for the new way MSC works.
For high level communication, SLAC is no longer needed and some other extensions are added in the -20Amd.
To do a good implementation into EVerest, a new MCS EvseManager would be needed.
The current EvseManager is really a CCS EvseManager. Adding a MCS EvseManager would create a lot of duplicate code.
A refactoring of the existing EvseManager is needed to make reuse of code possible, create something like libraries or something.