Versions Compared


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  1. No IP: GOOSE does not allow for one-to-one association. (except Instead, GOOSE is utilizing the Ethernet multicastingmulticast

  2. No TCP: GOOSE publisher (sending IED) and GOOSE subscriber (receiving IED) are completely decoupled. There is no mechanism that allow to resend a GOOSE on a receiving IEDs request. to compensate for that, GOOSE has a so-called repetition strategy.

  3. No TCP: The GOOSE payload is limited to an Ethernet frame.


Instead of utilizing the IP protocol to define the destination, GOOSE is utilizing the Ethernet multicasting. Any IED that is connected to the same switch as the sending IED is receiving the GOOSE packet and then can decide to use this information or drop it. It is doing so by fixing the destination MAC-address range to 01-0C-CD-01-00 to 01-0C-CD-01-FF1F-FF. With a destination address starting with 01 defining the mulsticast multicast range.

Repetition Strategy


GOOSE control block (GCB)

The service GOOSE can be find found in the data model of the IED. It is represented there with a very specific data object called GCB. GOOSE control block can only be allocated in the logical node LLN0. A GOOSE control block is like a data object, structured data. Instead of data attributes, the control block hold configuration setting for the GOOSE such as:

  • GoCBName: the name of the GCB

  • GoCBRef: the reference of the GCB in the data model

  • GoEna: whether the GOOSE is active

  • GoID: the GOOSE ID

  • DataSet: the reference to the data set

  • ConfRef: a an integer number indicating changes in the GOOSE data set

  • NdsCom: whether the GOOSE still to be commitionedcommissioned

  • DstAddress: the destination MAC-address of the GOOSE



The R-GOOSE stand for routable routeble GOOSE. This fairly new tye type of GOOSE is utelizing utilizing the IP protocol. With that, a GOOSE can be routed through the wide area network. It is mainly used to comminnucated communicated between two sustations substations where both of the substation are seperate separate LAN connected through WAN. Typical examples are permissive overreach transfer trip (POTT) or Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip permissive underreaching transfer trip (PUTT) protection schemes.