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As a goal, we would like to guide realization of an energy system that is interoperable, by standardizing the meaning of data exchanged and guide implementation of open source projects developing exchange (interfaces) based on these standards. We focus on the business side of interoperability as common understanding, trust and transparency of data used and data exchanged is a fundamental part of the energy system of the future, regardless of geography.

Data Architecture Workgroup Office Hour

Teleconference weekly on Thursdays, 7:00 US Pacific Time. Meeting details can be found in the LF Energy Community Calendar or below.

  • during the northern winter: 07:00 -0800 (PST) → 16:00 +0100 (CET)


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If you like to add you topic to add to the agenda, feel free to add it.

Topics for the meeting of 4 February 2021

Session to prepare questions toward second OSDU session.

OSDU Onboarding 24 12 20.pptx

OSDU LFEnergy Architecture Introduction v2.pptx 


  • What components are open source frameworks based and what are Schlumberger Delfi developed or Shell developed? What does Delfi  / Shell developed mean codewise?
  • What function has OFP in total architecture?
  • How do you see OSDU be adopted and used in LFE community? I mean focus with current community is with oil and not with power right. Wat is goal of Shell to put it forward at LFE?
  • Focus on power disclosing standards, semantical standards?
  • How is lineage implemented? How is discovery implemented? How is meta date capturing and usage implemented?
  • Security standards for all data, Rest, transit in use? Any cryptograph standard implemented and evolution on roadmap?
  • Future roadmap. How does development of platform look like including view on backwards compatibility
  • Could you elaborate on the D-WIS
  • What is the programming language is used to transform datasets?

Data principles:

  • What does minimum viable governance mean?  Does it exclude use casese because if it?
  • Is focus on Interoperability not a business and IT goal to focus, or what principles are in place for interoperability purpose? 
  • Why is data mesh / user (group) centricity not reflected in data principles?
  • How are generic types supported (details).

Data architecture basics:

  • If used with LFE, the platform is a separated one from the oil one, right? For what purpose kinds and namespaces?
  • Sometimes hard to understand difference between Well and Well
  • Are their semantic standards in the Oil & Gas industry, if so how are they used in the platform?
  • What meta model is used to describe the semantics? What tools are used describe the semantics?
  • What meta model is used for the provenance/lineage? W3c PROV?
  • How are API's generated out of the metamodel?
  • What semantics are used to publish the discovery services? DCAT?
  • Well Known Schemas (WKS)”; Can you give example? Do you have a list?

Concepts / patterns:

  • CQRS for application level implementation. Is generic storage layer / data distributed layer detached from this


  • What current Shell standards on interoperability / semantical standards of disclosed / delivered data are in the platform currently and on the roadmap?

Data Ownership

  • Who owns the data?
  • Is the platform multi-tenant?

Real-Time Data

  • Real-time and streaming services D-WIS* (details/roadmap)

Topics for the meeting of 28 January 2021



Presentation of Johan Krebben, IT CTO, Royal Dutch Shell on  OSDU (Open Surface Data Universe) presentation. To be decided how much time needed.

Background and interest

Paper on Equinor (was Stadoil and StadoilHydro) relational database Slegge containing subsurface data:

  • Xiao, Guohui, Diego Calvanese, Roman Kontchakov, Domenico Lembo, Antonella Poggi, Riccardo Rosati, and Michael Zakharyaschev (2018). Ontology-based data access: a survey. ISBN 978-0-999-24112-7. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 5511–5519.

My blog on SzenarienDB which uses the same ontology-based data access:

Topics for the meeting of 21 January 2021


Set the agenda

Topics for the meeting of 14 January 2021


Set the agenda

storyline TAC document

  • intro of workgroep
  • Data guidline porpuse
  • interoperability importance
  • interoperability framework
  • Rule of workgroep

Topics for the meeting of 07January 2021


Set agenda

Plan timeslot in TAC on proposal on data architecture guidance on 2nd of February

Johan Krebben, IT CTO, Royal Dutch Shell.  OSDU (Open Surface Data Universe) presentation.

Status of document proposal to present to TAC on data architecture guidance

Update from previous meeting

Robbie Morrison was asked to post details of the e-Gridmap video he had briefly reported on:

The YouTube URL is marked at my 2 minute long question on open sourcing the underlying code.   Elering could well be interested in doing so.

Topics for the meeting of 17th of December 2020


Set the agenda

Leadership: who likes to take over the role of Sander

TAC presentations: who does what

Use approach of LFEdge?

Use set of standards and maturity model : Update on the maturity model document uploaded)

Use phases of LFEnergy.

From phase 3 comply to standards on various levels you can standardise on

Very short reports from Robbie Morrison on:

Topics for the meeting of 10th of December 2020


Set the agenda

Jonas van den Bogaard will join us on how we can bring the data architecture to the TAC 

  • What is the process?
  • What kind of advice can we give?
  • Alignment with the LF energy on project maturity models and data architecture maturity?

Very short reports from Robbie Morrison on:

  • Icebreaker One Open Energy phase II completion
  • DBpedia Databus project (am trying to talk that project into using the Open Energy Modelling Initiative community as a pilot)
  • EERAdata metadata joint publication (all aspects including provenance, semantics, and legal)
  • some recent attempts to get CC‑BY‑4.0 licensing on to the ENTSO‑E Transparency Platform
  • subseasonal to seasonal climate forecasting for energy workshop held 4 December 2020
  • the Linux Foundation OS‑Climate project (OS = operating system, to create a digital twin of the entire planet?)

Rob's improvement


Jonas: 30-60 minutes introduction into data architecture. Jonas can put us on the agenda.

Perspective: project use focused (how can projects use/benefit from the data architecture; why); some slides would be nice.

Discussions on the next steps could be discussed later.

Landing page links for the above short reports from Robbie Morrison:

Robbie Morrison also mentioned the frictionless data concept from the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN):

Rob presented an idea for an maturity framework for LF energy data architecture aspects.

The maturity model 

Naveen Goswamy suggested to look into grid‑wise architecture model and map these models

We need to be careful to ..

Derrick Oswald

Exchange methods need more clarity, particularly in relation to control signalling.

Rob will share his proposal to fill in.

Topics for the meeting of 3th of December 2020


Set the agenda


Rob's suggestions in terms of interoperability maturity:

1 datamodel
2 description / definition
3 exchange language (Technical format, e.g. JSON)
​ 4 exchange method (E.g. filesharing / API)

Open standards are only allowed. Proprietary standards are not allowed.

Eric made his first changes to the document to make it ready to discuss it with Jonas (TAC).

Topics for the meeting of 26th of November 2020


Set the agenda


The current architecture guideline only provide direction. More can be done (e.g. testing).

Maturity levels suggestions:

1 collaboration with other projects within the ecosystem (e.g. LF energy project or other related projects)

2 Using standards (if exists)

3 Test the interoperability between projects

Projects can go to the data office hours to get help to the next phase.


To doWho
Review the document for the TACWho did not do it so far
Ask the TAC chair to join the office hours to discuss the TAC recommendationsSander
Write a TAC Recommendation list Sander & Rob (after 3 December)

Questions for Jonas van den Bogaard(TAC Chairman):

How can we bring the architecture document to the TAC?

What form/ how? When?

Do we need to split it up?

Topics for the meeting of 19th of November 2020


Set the agenda

Discuss the next steps how to move the data architecture to the next level


To doWho
Review the document for the TACAll
Write a TAC Recommondation list Sander & Rob

Other posposals:

Aks the TAC:

What is to way to inprove the interobability of the LF energy projects?

Current ideas:

  • LF energy landscape field with semantics used
  • Criteria for project stages
  • Part of the yearly project evaluation

Interesting project to look at:

Topics for the meeting of 12th of November 2020


Set the agenda

What is our propose? (discussion last week)

  • STEPS 
    • What is the vision of LFenergy
    • What is the goal of this team?
    • What are the guidelines, principles 
    • What are our products
    • what is our implementation strategy
    • what is our commitment to this
    • Deliverables

Do we want to add SARGON to the referance models?


Discussion how we bring the data architectur to a new level.

  • Rob suggests to embed the data architecture principles into the LF energy. Becomming a member LF energy project requires you to comply with the data architecture lines. E.g. start with lineage. Measure the compliance with the data architecture guidelines.
  • The TAC can be an good place to promote guidelines.
  • Join the projects to make it happen
  • Collaboration between projects in the ecosystem is a maturity level. LFedge encourage project to collaborate with the ecosystem. 
  • Start an open source project to measure the compliance with the data architecture lines
  • Expand recommendation and guidelines to reference implementations (open source) of the recommended standards to fastrack and ease adoption by the projects.

Not so much operating modes,but more possible practical guidelines, methods: 

  • EH: Create a dictionary associated with functional domains that can be used, when projects ask to become part of ecosystem (functional domain?) then projects have to prove they comply to these definitions with their interfaces.
  • EH: If projects expose interfaces to ecosystem, they have to deliver metadata on provenance of input they used to get to the output they generate

<<Please add your suggestion to the list; How can we bring the data architecture to a new level within LF Energy and related projects>>

Topics for the meeting of 5th of November 2020


Set the agenda

Presentation of the SARGON onlology

What is our propose? (discussion last week)

  • STEPS 
    • What is the vision of LFenergy
    • What is the goal of this team?
    • What are the guidelines, principles 
    • What are our products
    • what is our implementation strategy
    • what is our commitment to this


Dainiel is looking into this project. It might be relevant for our community.

Slides of the SARGON ontology:

View file
nameSARGON data model for energy.pptx

Here are the likes into the projects, repos, and mentioned publication respectively.

Topics for the meeting of 29th of October 2020


Set the agenda

Presentation of the SARGON onlology

Outline of deliverables + time horizon

Topics for the meeting of 22th of October 2020


Set the agenda: are their any topics for today?

Status of the invite of: Operator fabric / OpenEEmeter / Powsybl

Unfortunately Robbie Morrison cannot make this meeting due to a clash. But a couple of comments nonetheless:

  • I have been contributing to the Icebreaker One (IB1) Open Energy project via advisory group 2 (AG2) covering policy, legal, and regulation. That project will build a proof-of-concept data portal and is being commissioned under the United Kingdom governments Modernising Energy Data Access (MEDA) initiative.
  • The Horizon 2020 (H2020) openENTRANCE project and the European Commission recently ran the Energy Modelling Platform — Europe (EMP‑E) 2020 conference. Data was less of a focus than modeling and analysis, but the topics of meteorological data and anticipated future climate change were covered in Focus Group 1.  Full recordings should be available in due course.

Notes: Gianluca will each out to check on the SARGON onlology

Sander will contact the invites of other projects.

Topics for the meeting of 15th of October 2020 <Cancelled>

Topics for the meeting of 8th of October 2020 <Cancelled>

Topics for the meeting of 1th of October 2020 <Cancelled>

Topics for the meeting of 24th of September 2020


Set the agenda: are their any topics for today?

Status of the invite of: Operator fabric / OpenEEmeter / Powsybl

Discussion: What needs to be added to the document to bring it to the TAC?

Open source and Standards update CEN / CENELEC

Marc Costa


Gianluca will ask somebody form SARGON to give some explanation in this group.

Derrick made a docker container for CIMtool.

The Relationship Between Open Source Software and Standard Setting

The upcomming meetings are cancelled due to the availibility of Sander

Daniel Lazaro can be reached by the invited projects if they want to present their projects and talk about semantics in the cancelled period.

Topics for the meeting of 17th of September 2020

  • Welcome
  • Set the agenda

Robbie Morrison

  • brief comparison of European and United States intellectual property law covering data
  • (could someone download and screen share the PDF I earlier posted to the mailing list, TIA)

View file

  • some updates:
  • OPSD are updating datasets, to be complete by 10 October 2020
  • PowerGenome are running workshop on 28-Sep-2020 19:00 CEST, more here
  • United Kingdom MEDA phase two organizations selected, namely Icebeaker One and Siemens, with Electron missing out
  • Update on CIMTool Derrick Oswald


We decided to share the relevant slides this wiki. A decision on how to record video is not needed.

CIMTool development:

  • Mainly used to keep the exsisting profiles
  • Eric and Todd are working on the software
  • The goal is upgrade CIMtool to the Eclipse plaform 4x
  • The draf standards 501/502 will be added to the tool

New agenda items can be added to this group.

Topics for the meeting of 10th of September 2020

  • Welcome
  • Set the agenda
  • Evaluation of the previous sessions with RIAPS/OEDI/CoMPAS
    • Was it useful? Does it help with the data architecture?
    • Do we want to invite more projects?


Connecting to the project is use-full, However the OEDI and RIAPS had little relation with the data architecture.

OpenEEmeter, PowSyBl and OperatorFabric will be invited to present their project as well. Sander Jansenwill invite them.

Opentaps project:

Derrick Oswald will reach out to the maintainers of CIMtool to ask them to join a office-hour to talk about their roadmap and collaboration.

Topics for the meeting of 3th of September 2020

Proposed agenda : one hour later at 08:00 PDT -0700 and 17:00 CEST +0200:

 Michael Rossel of OEDI 

  • Project focus and introduction
  • Data input
  • Data output
  • Used semantics (What standards are used? e.g. for the meta data catalogue)

Robbie Morrison

  • brief comparison of European and United States intellectual property law covering data
  • (could someone download and screen share the PDF I earlier posted to the mailing list, TIA)

Summary of the OEDI project:

  • The OEDI project is an open data project, not at open source project! However they release/build some open source software for consumption.
  • Data providers decide on the semantics of their datasets.
  • Everyone can summit datasets as long they comply with the rules.
  • AWS provides the storage currently for free to the project. The OEDI is looking into other cloud providers to migitate risk of AWS charging money.
  • The datacatalogus is build with CKAN. The catalogus supports DCAT.

View file

Topics for the meeting of 27th of August 2020

  • Welcome
  • Set the agenda
  • Review action list updates

Gabor Karsai form the RIAPS project

  • Project focus and introduction
  • Data input
  • Data output
  • Used semantics (What standards are used? e.g. for the meta data catalogue)

Summary of the RIAPS project:

  • Energy related project since it is funded by energy research money, it can be used for other applications
  • Semantics are relevant in the application side not in RIAPS itself
  • RIAPS is "partly" compatible with openFMB (openFMB uses IEC 61850 and IEC CIM)
  • The goal is the make it production grade and apply it in the field. A production grade project is work in progress.
  • Exsisting (demo) applications are research focused (for now). 
  • Any application message format can be used as long it can be used with ZeroMQ


View file
nameRIAPS-Overvview-Data aspects.pdf

Topics for the meeting of 20th of August 2020


  • Welcome
  • Set the agenda
  • Review action list updates
  • TAC seating update
  • COMPAS Sander Jansen
  • Open data

Meeting notes:

Review the M490 SGAM introduction to the document Eric Houmeswill check this later on

Sander Jansen and Eric Houmes will start with the TAC. Based on the TAC converstations, we can change this

 The COM-PAS project was presented. The COM-PAS slides can be found here.

Robbie Morrison made some comments about open data (see below)

Robbie Morrison will make suggestions to record the workgroup meetings form a legal an practical pespective.

Sander Jansen will request @Michael Rossel to join the 3th of september and asks the RIAPS project to join next week

Daniel Lazaro will contact RAIPS for setting the expectations to join next week.

Follow up:

(I, Robbie Morrison, was asked to record my comments about developing country transfers, please move this content elsewhere if this is not the best place. Or alternatively delete this comment.)

There are three projects promoting open source/data/access for  energy policy development for developing country:

  • Global Power System Transformation Consortium — aimed at up-skilling the entire industry from operations to public policy
  • U4RIA guidelines — a set of principles to improve transparency, community engagement, robustness, and trust
  • LF Energy — based on recent comments by Shuli Goodman


IEEE (6 July 2020). Global Power Systems Transformation Consortium: landscape analysis of relevant standards, testing, and certification activities. IEEE.  Closed access.

OPM and UK Aid (August 2019). Synthesis Report on the "Fourth Roundtable Discussion on Strategic Energy Planning" (Trieste 28 June 2019). United Kingdom: Oxford Policy Management and UK Aid. U4RIA Section 4 (pages 7–8) titled "Working groups on modelling standards and capacity building".

Meeting 13 August 2020 16:00 CEST


  • Work on data architecture working document together.
  • Chosing one interesting project that needs guidance or can serve the purpose of first project "to test our guidance  on"
  • Sharpen goal in above mentioned banner (our mission statement).
  • Information models plotted on SGAM (what standard to use where)
  • OEDI semantics (someone from the OEDI project)
    • Project focus and introduction
    • Data input
    • Data output
    • Used semantics (What standards are used? e.g. for the meta data catalogue)

Meeting notes:

Everybody agrees with the Working group goal with the addition of adding open source.

Daniel Lazaro will ask the RIAPS project to join the office hour to talk semantics (see the OEDI initiative).

Sander Jansen will add a basic introduction to the SGAM in the data architecture document.:

Lref gdrive file
 Gianluca Dianese and Naveen Goswamy can you guys review and improve it.

Eric Houmes will connect with the LF energy guys to see if we can check against standards/information models

More information on LF energy project activity can be found here:, Other examples can be found here.

Topics of last meeting 6 August 2020 16:00 CEST were


  • Getting to know each other better as we had a couple of new contributors.
  • Express the main interests and topics to address
  • Confirm the main goal of our data architecture stream which is Interoperability and semantic standards to help interaction, 
  • Issues that might have to be solved to be successful (like Legal issues (intellectual property ownership), specific local rules that apply. 
  • Next steps data architecture document, work together on this document in next sessions to finalize a first set we work with.
  • Data architecture project support was not a topic for today 

Working Documents

Data Architecture Working Document

Data Architecture Community Folder

Meeting Notes

Active Members

Sander JansenAlliander

Daniel LazaroOSIsoft
Alberto AbellaFIWARE