All of the above is a serious time investment. We are speaking about years not weeks. The reason is the many and many decisions that are moving to the SCL. Every single one is a little agreement between all concerned parties in the entity, say AllianderUtility (e.g. DSO/TSO).
The potential advantages however are massive!!!
Reusable: Most of the above is long-lasting or in other words they do not change and are reusable in the next tenders.
Standardized: All of it formalized in an open and supported standard. Vendors can read and interpret the file. There is little need for a word document expressing the rest of the requirements that cannot be added to the SCL.
Automated: The vendor and the user can add automated checks on exchanging files. E.g. Alliander Utilities/integrators could fully automatically check back whether the proposed IEDs meet the requirements (Services and data structure).