Module description
This module allows to compute a boolean operation across multiple input status points in order to produce a single output status point.
- Boolean OR
TODO: Diagramme
The following attributes are read from the Exchanged data configuration:
- An array of operations that will generate the current status point as output
- For each operation:
- The type of operation
- The list of inputs status points (Pivot ID)
Filtering rules
R1 : Only status points with a Pivot ID that appear in at least one of the operations are processed.
R5 : If the input status point received is also the output status point and an output reading was generated with no error, delete the reading of the input status point, else the input reading is forwarded unchanged.
Data processing
This filter plugin expects readings to be a pivot model status point datapoints.
- PIVOT.GTIM.SpsTyp.stVal => input value in bool format [0-1]
- PIVOT.GTIM.DpsTyp.stVal => input value in enum format ("intermediate-state" | "off" | "on" | "bad-state")
The generated output data points have the following format: