R2 : transformation function is performed only if a valid tfid, array of parameters and dead band are configured.
R3 : (quality check) if PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.q.Validity is different from "good" or if one of the attributes of PIVOTTMPIVOT.MvTyp.q.DetailQuality is set to "true" the module sets PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp. q.Validity to "invalid" and the output PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.f to 0 (deletion of the PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.i if it exists)
The module uses the identification (Attribute PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.Identifier) of the data to determine if the measured value is part of the information to be processed.
The data read from the pivots format are :
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.i => input value in INT32 format
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.f => input value FLOAT32
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.q.Validity and PIVOTTMPIVOT.MvTyp.q.DetailQuality => quality control
The data in the generated pivot format is :
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.q.DetailQuality.inconsistent is set to "true" => if calculation check fails
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MVTyp.q.DetailQuality.overflow is set to "true" => if calculated value exceeds FLOAT32 format
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MVTyp.q.DetailQuality.inaccurate is set to "true" => if input value is in the dead band
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.f => Calculated output value (PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.i is not used).
- Validity:
- If overflow : PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MVTyp.q.Validity is set to "invalid"
- If inconsistent or inaccurate: PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MVTyp.q.Validity is set to "questionable"
- If the transformation function is not transparent : PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.q.Source is set to "substituted"
- if the quality checks fails :
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.q.Validity is set to "invalid"
- PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.f is set to 0 (PIVOTTMPIVOT.GTIM.MvTyp.mag.i is not used).