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This is a a form template to be created for project proposals to the LF Energy TAC and Board. To fill out this project proposal, please click the "..." in the upper right hand corner of the page, next click export into word document.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

I. General information



This policy sets forth the proposal process for projects and working groups to be accepted into LF Energy. The process is the same for both existing projects and working groups/special interest groups which seek to move into LF Energy and new projects as well as new projects and working groups/special interest groups to be formed within LF Energy.

All projects are assumed to start at Incubator status Sandbox stage unless the TAC has verified that stage advancement requirements have been met. Please note that all projects must complete the acceptance criteria before it can be considered by the TAC.

Incubation Project

Proposal Requirements

Projects, Working Groups, and Special Interest Groups must be formally proposed by answering the following questions and sending by email to Project proposals Proposals submitted to LF Energy should provide the following information to the best of their ability:

Technical Projects

General information


  • Name of project
    • Is the project's name new or an existing name?
    Project description
  • Mission statement
  • Description (what it does, why it is valuable, origin and history)
  • Project lead
  • Project financial sponsor Is this a new project/working group/special interest group or an existing one?
  • Current lead(s)
  • Sponsoring organization(s)Names of , along with any other key contributing individuals and/or organizations
  • Proposed Technical Steering Meeting (TSC) members
  • Existing community links:
    • repository hosting
    • project website and docs
    • mailing lists, slack, irc
    • social media accounts
  • Project security plan (TODO - what should this include?)
  • Link to code base

Open source status:

  • Please describe the project's license.Detail any existing community infrastructure, including:
    • Github/GitLab, or other location where the code is hosted
    • Website and/or docs
    • Communication channels ( such as Mailing lists, Slack, IRC )
    • Social Media Accounts
  • Are there any specific infrastructure needs or requests outside of what is provided normally by LF Energy ( please refer to the lifecycle for project benefits )? If so please detail them.
  • Why would this be a good candidate for inclusion in LF Energy?
  • How would this benefit from inclusion in LF Energy?
  • Provide a statement on alignment with the mission in the LF Energy charter.
  • What specific need does this project/working group/special interest group address?
  • Describe how this project/working group/special interest group impacts the energy industry.
  • Describe how this project/working group/special interest group intersects with other LF Energy projects/working groups/special interest groups.
  • Who are the potential benefactors of this project/working group/special interest group?
  • What other organizations in the world should be interested in this project/working group/special interest group?
  • Plan for growing in maturity if accepted within LF Energy

Questions for Technical Projects ONLY

  • Project license
  • Is the project's code available now? Is the code publicly posted? On GitHub or elsewhere?If so provide a link to the code location.
  • Does this project have ongoing public (or private) technical meetings?
  • Do this project's community venues have a code of conduct? If so, what is it?
  • Describe the project's leadership team and decision-making process.
  • Does this project have public governance (more than just one organization)?
  • Does this project have a development schedule and/or release schedule?
  • Does this project have dependencies on other open source projects? Which ones?
  • Describe the project's documentation.
  • Describe any trademarks associated with the project.

Project status:

  • Do you have a project roadmap? please attach [Are this project's roadmap and meeting minutes public posted?]
  • Does this project have a legal entity and/or registered trademarks?
  • Has this project been announced or promoted in any press?
  • Does this project compete with other open source projects or commercial products?

Project value:

  • Why would this project be a good candidate for inclusion in LF Energy?
  • Provide a statement on alignment with the mission in the LF Energy charter.
  • What specific need does this project address?
  • Describe how this project impacts the energy industry.
  • Describe how this project intersects with other LF Energy projects.
  • Who are the potential benefactors of this project?
  • What other organizations in the world should be interested in this project?

Project needs:

  • How would this project benefit from inclusion in LF Energy?
  • Please describe any infrastructure needs or requests (e.g., web hosting).
  • Plan for achieving next maturity level (Incubation -> Early Adoption -> Graduated).

II. Project Acceptance Process

Projects are

Questions for Standards Projects ONLY

  • Expected deliverables
  • Is this related to an existing project
  • Any existing materials or assets that will be seeded to the standards project

Questions for Working Groups/Special Interest Groups ONLY

  • Expected deliverables
  • Timeline for the working group

Project Acceptance Process

  • Projects/working groups/special interest groups are required to present their proposal at an LF Energy Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting.
  • The TAC may ask for changes to bring the project into better alignment with LF Energy, such as adding a governance document to a repository or adopting a Code of Conduct.
  • The TAC agrees on an evaluation of the project proposal via a 2/3 supermajority vote, excluding abstentions. << to be discussed - how do we handle abstensions?
  • The TAC provides the project assessment to LF Energy Board for project acceptance approval.
  • In case of Board approval, the proposal document will be finalized as a project charter. This charter document must be included in the project's main repositoryOnce the proposal is submitted, LF Energy staff will work with the submitter to schedule a presentation for a future TAC meeting.
  • When presenting to the TAC, plan for 20-25 minutes including Q&A. The presentation should give the TAC a sense of what the project is, and provide answers to the proposal questions. Please look at previous project presentations for guidance.
  • The TAC will either vote to approve the project at that meeting, or it may choose to discuss the project outside of the meeting and vote to approve via email or at a future TAC meeting. The TAC may ask for changes to bring the project into better alignment with LF Energy before accepting the project.
  • The TAC will determine the appropriate initial lifecycle stage for the project based on the evidence submitted. New projects can apply for admission at Incubator or Early Adoption stage via the review process.

Additional requirements for projects applying at the Early Adoption stage

  • Growth plan
  • TODO
  • New projects/working groups/special interest groups can ask to be accepted at a specific level, but the TAC will final say on the appropriate lifecycle stage. Projects/working groups/special interest groups can come back to the TAC at any time to request moving to a new lifecycle stage by proposing a review via the email list.

Acceptance & Expectations

  • All projects may /working groups/special interest groups should attend TAC meetings and contribute work regardless of their stage.
  • Incubation projects will be featured on the LF Energy projects page.
  • All trademarks for Incubator, Early Adoption, Graduated, and Emeritus projects are retained by LF EnergyProjects/working groups/special interest groups will be scheduled for an annual review after acceptance, and subsequent annual reviews will be scheduled after the current annual review is completed. Projects/working groups/special interest groups can ask to reschedule their review if there is a conflict, but if a project lapses more than 6 months past the scheduled date the TAC may consider moving the project to the Emeritus stage.