1-Review of previous TSC notes
2-Review of the growth plan actions
Issues · com-pas/contributing (github.com)
4-New contributors
Bearingpoint is planning to add improvements; Let’s discuss their plans.
Bearingpoint as 2-3 fulltime developers (by 4 persons);
Bearingpoint is intrested in contribute to make CoMPAS a OpenSCD distribtution.
Contribute new plug-ins
Document overview with versions
Archiving function (e.g. cloud storage, e.g. on multiple location)
Re-use the comparison function
Soft delete in the database
Note: Christian Dinkel is working on a full diffing function for SCL files
Bearingpoint is already writing code, pull-request will be send. It is waiting for approval of TransnetzBW.
Way of contributing:
Create stories in CoMPAS project and file pull-request afterwards
The CoMPAS project is happy to receive new pull-requests!
5-Roadmap review
Let’s update the roadmap together
CoMPAS Roadmap - CoMPAS - LF Energy
Topic posponed;
6-Open discussion
TAC representative
Project reviews will be done in the special interest groups.
Sander Jansen will join the substation SIG